The great disease of the modern era is not Trans vs Women debate or Gender Identity crises.
The disease that has beset us all is the inability to dialog at all. To debate and argue and agree or disagree. This is nature of a true civil society. Where words offend, say so, argue succinctly why, seek to enlighten others about how they offend.
And should the offender apologise, accept it with dignity not abuse. But if they don’t rise to a higher place and use the words of another sacrificial lamb “forgive them for they know not what they do”.
But to cancel the offender, to have them sacked from positions, to have their lectures, books, blogs, websites blocked because they offend one group but are cheered by another group is not the path of democracy but a repetition of the evils of the past. Cite Marxism, Cite Nazism, Cite the CCP, Cite Pol Pot.
And finally, whatever position you take on these challenging questions of philosophy, find a new cause in 2022
… be a better person and “Be Kind to one another”. Ephesians 4:32