An addendum to my Father’s Day thoughts:
Good Dads are Spiritual Leaders
- Love their God
- Love their Church
- Love the Word of God
- Love to Pray
- Love to Worship
- Love Righteousness
- Love Holiness
Good Dads are Leaders in their Homes
- Love their wives
- Love their kids
- Love to give
Good Dads are Leaders in their Community
- Love their work
- Love justice
- Love the unlovely
- Love sinners
Good Dads are Prophetic Leaders
- Love the Truth
- Live the Truth
- Call out evil
- Call out ungodly philosophies of the world
Good Dads are Leaders in being Healthy
- Self-Reflective
- Physically
- Mentally
- Spiritually
Each of these points need exploring in depth and self examination. How am I doing in each of these areas of life. I know that in some of these I fall short but being able to be self-reflective and seeing my own shortcomings allows me to try and improve and provide that example to my family and others.