What is truth?

I was listening to a conversation about societies issues and the question of truth came up. Is there such a thing as absolute truth? There is scientific truth, based on experimental, observable and measureable data. But is that truth? Once a famous astronomer said there were canals on Mars and everyone accepted this “truth” until it was refuted by better observations. Then there is the question of moral truth. Are there an absolute set of truths to live your life by? If there is, who determines what it includes?

In a post modern society, moral truth is actually about what is true to the individual and less about a series of absolutes. This is actually the chaos theory at work, we all make up our own minds about what is true and right and just and live accordingly, even if everyone else has a different view on what is true and right and just.

At Real Men Challenge, we begin from the perspective that we are people created by God to live according to the moral truths provided by God. A series of absolutes, that don’t change and are not subject to societal whims. The challenge for men is to find out what those truths are and then live by them.

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