The Real Men Challenge writing team are committed to preventing Family violence. A key to achieving that is to help men find a model for “Positive Masculinity” and a model for “Positive Partnerships”, one built around a solid set of values and of true “sacrificial love”.
This manual is being written to help and guide young boys, teenage boys and young men a better way to live their lives.
The Real Men Challenge Manual will be a collaborative work of many led by White Ribbon Ambassador Neil Stott who will allow feedback and input from diverse groups of individuals to ensure that this manual achieves what it is designed to achieve, change and the hope of a positive masculinity that all Australian men can embrace.
Feel free to review each section under The Manual and the various Challenges, (which may change dynamically during the writing process) and feel free to send me your feedback or just comment below.
The Real Men Challenge Outline
Each challenge will be prefaced by a survivor story to reinforce the “why” we are doing this and bring a human face and their story to each Challenge.
- A discussion on what values men have now, how they are formed (and informed), what are “Australian Values” and why this manual is built around Christian values
An exploration of the “Love Chapter” 1 Corinthians 13 and how do men put these into practice in their relationships.
I will look at the different meanings of love and focus on the writer’s intent in Chapter 13 around “Sacrificial Love”.
Each sub-section will be unpacked with practical examples of both the positive and negative with the ultimate challenge to the men reading this to choose the higher path.
Having laid the foundation of love, what does respect look like?
Challenge 4 – Partnership vs Power and Control
Building on the foundations of love and respect, we have a hard look at what power and control looks like in a relationship and provide practical examples of what this looks like and challenge men to change.
This will look at the range of issues confronting men in our modern society.
Not just holding other men to account. This will be about developing and using self-reflective practice. Having an accountability group. Allowing others to speak into your life and tell you “Hey mate, not good enough”.
Challenge 7 – Being the Role Model
Whether the man is young or old, we can all make a difference by living our lives in a way that models these positive behaviour traits. This section will include stories of male role models that the male reader can identify with.
This final challenge is about change. Where do men find the power to change. Often, people successfully use self-effort or self-will to change. Support groups, professional help, all can help men change. However, this challenge will go beyond these and focus back on power of a surrendered life to Jesus Christ to transform and change lives and prove men with the power live out these new-found values.
Whoever is a believer in Christ is a new creation. The old way of living has disappeared. A new way of living has come into existence. 2 Corinthians 5:17
Challenge 9 – Confronting Evil
To this point, the challenge has been hopeful. Hopeful in that education and the right message delivered in the right way will bring about lasting change in men.
Unfortunately, this does not properly deal with the concept of evil.
Can evil men change?
The evidence probably says no. So how do we respond to evil men? This section will try to address this difficult question (again from a Christian viewpoint).
Other Challenges
As this book/manual develops and grows, other Challenges may be identified and be included. My goal is that I am not the solitary source of ideas and inspiration for this project. Instead, I want to be able to find a team of helpers who will provide their ideas, viewpoints, advice, encouragement and yes … challenges to me as this manual grows and develops.
This is the Real Men Challenge