Category Archives: Men

Men, are you prepared to make a stand?

A man who says “I’m not going to die on that hill” but never fights on any hill is not a man you can trust to fight for anything that really matters. Burke Parsons

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Another look at sexual abuse

A few years my time as a White Ribbon Ambassador it is very sad and concerning that sexual abuse continues. Rather than point to a single group, the issue of sexual abuse and violence toward women is a widespread cultural … Continue reading

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Be Kind in 2022

The great disease of the modern era is not Trans vs Women debate or Gender Identity crises. The disease that has beset us all is the inability to dialog at all. To debate and argue and agree or disagree. This … Continue reading

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Love Always Protects

The Real Men Challenge manual is focused on the Love Chapter of 1 Corinthians 13 as a template to help men in their relationships and provide insight and guidance for a world where family violence has become an epidemic. “Love… … Continue reading

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Good Dads

An addendum to my Father’s Day thoughts: Good Dads are Spiritual Leaders Love their God Love their Church Love the Word of God Love to Pray Love to Worship Love Righteousness Love Holiness Good Dads are Leaders in their Homes … Continue reading

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